What does being flood resilient mean? 

Support to make frontline communities ‘resilient’ to floods is vital. However, researchers have found that flood resilience may link to lower motivation for climate action. The term ‘resilience’ might also be misused to mask structural problems, particularly when rooted in the experiences of advantaged groups. Support for communities must extend beyond addressing emotional, physical, and financial stresses. It should also acknowledge the role of climate change and necessary actions to curb future climate risks.

Hamideh Mahdiani H & Michael Ungar M (2021) “The Dark Side of ResilienceAdversity and Resilience Science

Charles Ogunbode et al (2018) “The resilience paradox: flooding experience, coping and climate change mitigation intentionsClimate Policy

A poster on a fence reads climate action now is surrounded by floodwaters.

Credit: Queensland Conservation Council.


How do we support people with disability?


Climate change means future floods are hard to predict