Resilient Kurilpa News—August 2024
What an exciting few months it’s been since commencing our program of events in May.
We’ve delivered 6 events to nearly 400 attendees!
We added 5 online webinars to our website to ensure everyone can continue learning about flood planning for apartment buildings and residents, renters rights, how to be a better flood volunteer, and flood insurance!
Big thanks to all the expert speakers, facilitators, and organisers involved in creating these valuable resources for our growing community. Please share them with your neighbours and floodplain-dwelling friends so we can continue building our collective flood resilience.
Upcoming in-person events!
For the next few months we’ll be hosting in-person events and workshops targeted toward specific groups in our community.
Our team will be popping up at community events, hosting workshops for young kids and for those wanting to create a personal emergency plan. As well as providing you with the opportunity to engage with locals leading the way in flood mitigation planning on their buildings.
Read more about these events below, register and share with others!
All our events are jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
P.S. Have you taken our 10-minute 2024 Flood Survey? Help us record our community’s flood needs and interests!
Saturday 31 August State High Day
We’ll be attending Brisbane State High Day alongside our network organisations, WECA & Kurilpa Futures. Come along to ask us questions, voice your concerns, and join in the festivities of this free much-loved event in the school calendar!
Sunday 8 September River Care Yarns @ the Kurilpa Derby
Did you know that mangroves act as a physical shield and a sponge to soak up floodwaters? Come have a conversation with us about caring for the river and finding ways to support the resilience of this important natural ecosystem.
Look for our rolling noticeboards at the annual Kurilpa Derby, stationed outside Lifeline on the corner of Russell and Boundary Street. Stop in for a yarn with members of Resilient Kurilpa & WECA to contribute your ideas and learn how you can get involved in! All ages welcome.
Saturday 28 September Flood Resilient Kids: Birdie’s Tree Reading & Play
Souths League Rugby Club. 10am – 11.30am. Catering provided.
Prepare your young children for the wet season with our fun Birdie’s Tree reading and play session! Birdie’s Tree are evidenced-based books developed to help kids aged 5 and under to cope with their emotions and understand big weather events like storms and floods. Delivered by the Disaster Recovery team at Metro South Health, this free event is designed to support our youngest and cutest community members :)
Help us share this event by printing the A5 flyer and adding it to your community noticeboard!
Are you an early childhood educator? Contact us to receive a free Birdie’s tree pack!
Image: Learn more about Birdie’s Tree here.
Saturday 28 September Flood Planning Conversations
Souths League Rugby Club. 1pm – 2.30pm. Refreshments provided.
Where are you in your flood planning journey? Businesses, body corporates and homeowners are invited to partake in conversations about flood planning.
We’ll hear from local community leaders and body corporates about the challenges and progress they’ve experienced when establishing flood mitigation plans for their buildings.
In small groups, you’ll get a chance to share your own insights and learn directly from other’s flood planning experiences.
Help us share this event by printing the A5 flyer and adding it to your community noticeboard!
14 & 21 October P-CEP Workshops
10am – 3pm over two days. Catering provided. (Location TBC but likely the Croquet Club.)
Create a personal emergency plan using the Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness process.
Come along to our two day workshops where trained facilitators from Resilient Kurilpa and Metro South Health will support you to tailor your own personal emergency plan for floods and other emergencies. We’ll guide you through the four-part P-CEP process, including identifying your strengths and support needs, knowing your level of emergency preparedness and risks, planning to manage your support needs, and communicating your plan to others.
New Local Insights Blog Posts
How to Help Children Recover from Floods
How might kids be affected by disasters like floods? And what can we do to help them cope? Local writer and parent Rose Lane shares useful insights from her studies into children’s experiences of flood events. Children have unique needs and perspectives when a disaster occurs.
During and immediately after the event, reassurance and comfort are the most important thing to focus on. Very young children may not understand what is happening and may become “frozen” both physically and emotionally.
Don’t Forget About Our Furry & Feathered Friends
What about the furry family members and friends? Learn how to care for pets and wildlife in the event of a flood.
Many shelters and emergency accommodation facilities don’t allow pets so you may need to arrange alternative care in the event of an evacuation. Are family or friends prepared to care for your dog or cat? What about your chooks, guinea pigs, ferret, rat, or snake?
Image: Zhan Teh, SLQ.